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Browse Recordings
Topic | World | Version |
Player Killing (544) | Harmonia (134) | Tibia 7.6 (1047) |
Dragon (155) | Celesta (69) | Tibia 7.8 (985) |
War (130) | Galana (69) | Tibia 7.4 (805) |
The Annihilator Quest (99) | Iridia (52) | Tibia 7.5 (541) |
Dragon Lord (93) | Arcania (51) | Tibia 7.3 (505) |
Demon (91) | Valoria (50) | Tibia 7.7 (359) |
Death (89) | Grimera (14) | Tibia 7.2 (127) |
Hunting (66) | Shivera (8) | Tibia 7.9 (60) |
Video of the Day: Zeus Rozpierdalacz on Azura, Tibia 7.2
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Winners of TibiCam's Sounds of Summer Lottery 2024
We are delighted to announce the winners of TibiCam’s Sounds of Summer Lottery! We’ve randomly picked the winners, and here they are:
Adhan Lee, Inabra Winner of 400 Tibia Coins
"Your soul will be mine!" This sound made by Demon in Tibia is nostalgic and my favorite because it refers to the Mortal Kombat character Shang Tsung when delivering a fatal blow and saying these words when absorbing the enemy's power and soul, demonstrating his power and mastery of magic.
June 2024 Update: 50 New Videos, Sounds of Summer Lottery and More
We’re excited to announce that in June 2024, TibiCam.com published 50 new videos on our YouTube channel! In June, we also started our summer lottery, TibiCam’s Sounds of Summer Lottery, which runs throughout the month of July, where participants can win Tibia Coin and Golden Rune Emblems. To participate, please check out this post on YouTube.
Top 3 Videos Published in June 1. Skroll Madera | WAR (Pythera, Tibia 7.5) 2.
TibiCam's Sounds of Summer Lottery
Greetings, Tibians!
As the sun shines brightly, TibiCam.com is excited to celebrate summer with a special event: TibiCam’s Sounds of Summer Lottery! Share your favorite creature sounds and win fabulous prizes in the form of Tibia Coins and Golden Rune Emblems.
How to Participate Subscribe to the TibiCam YouTube Channel Comment on the YouTube Community Post with: Your favorite creature sound Why you love it Your character name and game world Example: My favorite creature sound is Orc Berserker’s ‘KRAK ORRRRRRK!
Winners of TibiCam's Sounds of Summer Lottery 2024
We are delighted to announce the winners of TibiCam’s Sounds of Summer Lottery! We’ve randomly picked the winners, and here they are: Adhan Lee, Inabra Winner of 400 Tibia Coins "Your soul will be mine!" This sound made by Demon in Tibia is nostalgic and my favorite because it refers to the Mortal Kombat character Shang Tsung when delivering a fatal blow and saying these words when absorbing the enemy's power and soul, demonstrating his power and mastery of magic.
June 2024 Update: 50 New Videos, Sounds of Summer Lottery and More
We’re excited to announce that in June 2024, TibiCam.com published 50 new videos on our YouTube channel! In June, we also started our summer lottery, TibiCam’s Sounds of Summer Lottery, which runs throughout the month of July, where participants can win Tibia Coin and Golden Rune Emblems. To participate, please check out this post on YouTube. Top 3 Videos Published in June 1. Skroll Madera | WAR (Pythera, Tibia 7.5) 2.
TibiCam's Sounds of Summer Lottery
FCHHHHH! GROOAAARRR! KRAK ORRRRRRK! Greetings, Tibians! As the sun shines brightly, TibiCam.com is excited to celebrate summer with a special event: TibiCam’s Sounds of Summer Lottery! Share your favorite creature sounds and win fabulous prizes in the form of Tibia Coins and Golden Rune Emblems. How to Participate Subscribe to the TibiCam YouTube Channel Comment on the YouTube Community Post with: Your favorite creature sound Why you love it Your character name and game world Example: My favorite creature sound is Orc Berserker’s ‘KRAK ORRRRRRK!