Amen-Ra on Chimera, Tibia 7.8

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Player Amen-Ra
World Chimera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.8
Topic Unknown
Length 26 minutes
Areas Ankrahmun
Characters Amen-Ra, Dark Spykerath, Hell Borg, Luisminatoretl, Kenthrax, Tassinha de Chimera, Patricia of Chimera, Krus Kreep, Pitiligo Estrela, Mosferatus, Zadruck Ewok, Armando rey de dragones, Lord Grigoletti, Sularus, Lady Guenaver, Elaina Shadowlord, Liferr, Babinjo, Suborno Junior, Siruxio, Chaky, Precious Hope, Crio, GM Trithaithus on Chimera, Angelroot, Eye Light, Exion Jeneth, Polatrite, Galyn, Vovovano, Pevalex
Creatures Fire Elemental, Poison Spider, Larva, Deer, Hyaena, Scarab, Demon Skeleton, Skeleton, Ghoul, Cave Rat
Items Crown Legs, Giant Sword, Scimitar, Plate Armor
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