Zaraxitolm on Secura, Druid, Tibia 7.4

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Player Zaraxitolm
World Secura Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Druid
Length 29 minutes
Areas Rookgaard
Characters Zaraxitolm, Jafra-druid, Nibap, Alf Onzo, Tindar, Zezeion, Jensen The Knight, Druid Baz, Alfyz-Hunter, Davomar, Zirkob, Tatano, Livern, Airop, Hby'Katten, Aldo The Pala, Astu Yanes, Orani, Knight from de Elder, Ronny, Light solider of hell, Nuvelik, Karodox, Insane Slayer, Relkon, Vanionar, Elite solider of Secura, Zerpuza
Creatures Poison Spider, Deer, Rat, Wolf, Troll, Spider, Snake, Minotaur, Orc
Items Leather Armor
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