Wladimix Wzyciek on Thoria, Plains of Havoc, Tibia 7.6

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Player Wladimix Wzyciek
World Thoria Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.6
Topic Plains of Havoc
Length 11 minutes
Areas Venore, Plains of Havoc, Kazordoon
Characters Wladimix Wzyciek, Tius Gale, Focus Knight, Sain Fafrek, Lord wadck, Sir-demoledor, Jeect, Lajf, Tuffa Alkisen, Ptasiunio, Arnax Xane, Szmuglanc Mayer, Dublekila, Geek Pozac, Dark Smithe, Chi, Effupeffu, Xuen, Merid Tuerin, Tufast, Murkle, Rydwan fee, Legendo La'Core, Leman Niiszczyciel, Ilumiel, Dranthaniel, Duuei, Clothos, Xelon Blackbane
Creatures Rabbit, Snake, Deer, Minotaur, Bug, Scorpion, Spider, Skeleton, Bear, Wolf
Items Unknown
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