Vampire Lord Jedah on Libera, Dragon, Tibia 7.3

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Player Vampire Lord Jedah
World Libera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic Dragon
Length 154 minutes
Areas Venore
Characters Reveka, Duofur, Pasquini, Vampire Lord Jedah, Lord Mudaxaxu, Fandanguinhas, Sir cucu, Amakakeru, Elfa Fantasma, Jiinx, Kunaldarkness, Makanosaurio Rex, Lucy Lu, Lord starcoms, Sir Palladiunm, Gulin Dark Mage, Muxip, Cardea, Astridsita, Sir Zalinoz, Kurti, Vazedo II, Pequenininha, Hemixus the Sorcerer, Lord Ultra
Creatures Wolf, Snake, Dragon, Rabbit, Dragon Lord, Scorpion, Minotaur Archer, Bug
Items Double Axe, Longsword, Blue Robe, Short Sword, Dragon Shield
Votes 2 votes
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