Steel Elesar on Titania, Tibia 7.6

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Player Steel Elesar
World Titania Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.6
Topic Unknown
Length 44 minutes
Areas Darashia
Characters Kaiser The Brood, Maxmox, Fippar, Mantharas, Steel Elesar, Hutige, Marimitch shui, Pedrao Devil'gari, Rodrigo Dragao de Pegasus, Luix Devil, Dragon reverso, Lucy Zoor
Creatures Hydra, Bug, Wasp, Spider, Scarab, Slime, Larva, Hunter, Deer, Poison Spider, Hyaena, Crocodile, Centipede, Scorpion, Snake, Dragon, Giant Spider, Cobra, Stone Golem, Lizard Templar, Bat, Bandit, Lizard Sentinel, Flamingo, Spit Nettle, Butterfly, Elephant
Items Unknown
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