Smaug Der Goldene on Secura, Demona, Tibia 7.2

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Player Smaug Der Goldene
World Secura Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.2
Topic Demona
Length 45 minutes
Areas Demona, Fields of Glory
Characters Romanish Devil, Smaug Der Goldene, Brat ll, Termineter, Spirit of Sword, Maximus Meridius, Decanror, Magalan, Dracon Blade, Hector Alvarez, Melixor, Evil-Xard, Vindel Amolin, Munsel, Shark of Blood, Dark Entrox, Sir Bilam, Velis Corin, Fobimi, Sir Malib, Hendrik, Lisa Lionheart, Kiwupu, Schatten-Elf, Myyrddin, Stev der Retter, Rafaso, Slain Amad, Ramni, Drag Magix, Vidl, Getto-Hunter, Atakka, Targon, Monteur, Ollschnoll, Devil fangs, Tolgahan, Ignatius Greymalkin, Schreiter, Master Skiny, Heaven Hunter, Rilavaza
Creatures Goblin, Cyclops, Minotaur Guard, Orc Leader, Orc Berserker, Warlock, Orc Spearman, Stone Golem, Dragon, Minotaur Mage, Snake, Ghoul, Troll, Elf Arcanist, Orc Shaman
Items Knight Legs, Strange Helmet, Devil Helmet, Skull Staff, Ancient Shield, Crown Shield, Crossbow, Obsidian Lance, Crown Legs, Throwing Star, Naginata, Dragon Shield, Serpent Sword
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