Sir monge on Isara, Player Killing, Tibia 7.3

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Player Sir monge
World Isara Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic Player Killing
Length 85 minutes
Areas Carlin, Kazordoon, Thais, Venore, Ab'Dendriel
Characters Menino-Escorbuto, Sir monge, Selskis, Sirgarbage, Roman Dominguez, Fuzajuxi, Fernandow, Trancos Artaher, Barquilla, Temple-lord, Lord dukixep, Fizaka, Kasparovik, Wenoxi, Tebajeli, Vaitomaticru, Legendary boi Master, Salsicha Atropelada, Trinkadoo, Dwarf neisor, Nena Terror, NenTerror, Muvijeto, Scrith, Stormn, Night-elfi, Zekezuxo, Raul el malo, Panchowdos, Rigo the male, Mcristo, Xovogoka, Demon Lurker, Dandellion, Vieyra, Roy el druid, Nobiwoh, Deus Locao, Yaughmoth Demon, Principe for Life, Vucpuc, Moviripo, Gobato, Huigens, Urder Slaugther, Baxters, Vupine, Smicks, Tijivu, Ryven of Hots For Life, Xsadex Caliente, Kinecross, Joak pain, Pyro Chimera, Necro Threepwood, Aioria the Sacred, Knight Aporca, Paulinha Hunter, Angles Dark, Lucalo, Aritonati, Rick Fodao, Lord'jairo, Canis de'Vrie, Nicolau Tobaruedas, Prostituta cinco estrelas, Dark pichulonco, Kent Strifer, Shadow Archenemy, Bruluzinha, Orlando the druid, Tesler, Lobinho Guara, Sorodo, Dijuzobu, Link Knight Do Mau, Poderoso mago, Paco de LVega, Shaulyn, Kitetsu'Bow, Cabana, Macacov, Chuncho Anpon, Sir Andrey Balderas, Curandera Clarita, Shorizo Anpon, Sir miquelo, Braxlet, Picodasu, Maestro-yeday, Criminson, Fergusini, Kao del kaos, Kao del kao, Inmorible, Rolst knigt, Sir Sancho, Xoxiva, Chirihue Anpon
Creatures Wasp, Wolf, Rabbit, Bug, Dog, Deer, Bear, Rat, Snake, Troll, Cyclops, Dwarf Guard, Pig, Spider, Dwarf
Items Crown Armor, Noble Armor, Dragon Hammer, Machete, Studded Helmet, Spellbook
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