Sir Adtje on Celesta, Black Knight, Tibia 7.4

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Player Sir Adtje
World Celesta Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Black Knight
Length 84 minutes
Areas Edron, Venore, Stonehome
Characters Casper tiny goust, Mokkia, Kevin the Archer, Dhel Zypan, Sir Adtje, Sir Zofufe, Sir Celesta, Zeonzor, Yokel, Ingolf Steelbird, Ikomur Tyren, Celectric, Alfaldu Stox
Creatures Deer, Black Knight, Dog, Rotworm, Bear, Beholder, Rabbit, Wolf, Hunter, Wild Warrior, Demon Skeleton, Priestess, Scorpion, Monk, Dragon, Skeleton, Hero, Stalker, Bug, Minotaur Mage, Stone Golem, Ghoul
Items Crown Armor, Crown Shield
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