Saint Legendary on Luminera, Dragon Lair, Tibia 7.6

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Player Saint Legendary
World Luminera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.6
Topic Dragon Lair
Length 33 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Veriel Glok, Adrians Kubis, Saint Legendary, Stri-ver, Sir Azurath, Keo The Myth, Steew'Ware, Gatinha'Gostosa, Lord of the hell gate, Rhusth, Shikilla, Sir Naser, Lord'Johngu, Way watcher, Teh Scepter, Kenixor, Thee Oracird, Burbujita Blackheart, Lord tchi, Zcap Blackheart, Nemesis of luminera, Hazardous Ranger, Tunyn, Legendarya, Thee Savior, Lord'Sombrero, Insane Lilo, Raafke, Tamy on Luminera, Saint Haxor, Mirtage, Eternal vicious, Wrhisky Hilovak, Lord Manamir, Xaropinho Kom, Ryck Awaw, Mok Thora, Ricda zain, Brad Bite, Seph Master, Rofaxara awaw, Gigoze, Ryan Avatar, Metztli'Tonatiu, Sir Madman Neox, Angel of de lord, Vaaz, Stompy Souled, Sir Strikiing, Anexor, Seller of Luminera, Adrik Zain
Creatures Rabbit, Dragon, Scorpion, Dragon Lord, Snake
Items Battle Shield, Halberd, War Hammer, Plate Shield
Votes 2 votes
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