Royal Xorin on Secura, Dragon Lord, Tibia 7.4

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Player Royal Xorin
World Secura Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Dragon Lord
Length 34 minutes
Areas Plains of Havoc, Venore
Characters Kezebi, Erwon, Vomokax, Svart Katt, Sir Riwerato, Royal Xorin, Toxine, Shairra, Palla Of Legesox, Stranger Of Darknes, Rulax, Zombaroxinz, Captain Sharki, Wivvi, Elite Steve, Bahud, Xiopadrios, Hezodic
Creatures Hunter, Scorpion, Orc Spearman, Rat, Dragon, Snake, Wolf, Bug, Dragon Lord, Orc Leader, Rabbit, Minotaur, Demon Skeleton, Minotaur Archer, Giant Spider, Poison Spider, Skeleton, Ghoul, Wasp, Cyclops
Items Knife, Rapier, Scale Armor, Crown Armor, Blue Robe, Enchanted Staff, Soldier Helmet, Dwarven Shield, Fire Sword, Warrior Helmet, Machete, Ice Rapier
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