Ragy Goldenbow on Harmonia, Deeper Fibula, Tibia 7.2

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Player Ragy Goldenbow
World Harmonia Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.2
Topic Deeper Fibula
Length 48 minutes
Areas Fibula
Characters Sir Limpy, Irmion Goldenbow, Filander, Pancras Dragonheart, Erganon, Genime, Ragy Goldenbow, Lameruga, Calmleaf Silversword, Shay Spellcaster, Romeo of Montague, Bullet-Tooth Tony, Kennith, Duelity, Purplexed Shannara, Prinzesscia, Zurraeus, Bravestarr, Don Horneo the Second, Jyrath, Duality
Creatures Minotaur Archer, Dragon Lord, Minotaur, Minotaur Guard, Demon, Dragon, Minotaur Mage
Items Tower Shield, Knight Axe, Warrior Helmet, Blue Robe, Scale Armor
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