Protector-Pie on Chimera, Dragon, Tibia 7.2

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Player Protector-Pie
World Chimera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.2
Topic Dragon
Length 18 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Mk-Ice, Protector-Pie, Protector-Gee, Akerian, Protector-Dandy, Princess Leila, Sorcerer Kezonex, Kezonex-Divir, Luckysword, Reihn, Esc Devil, Gomev, Aylanna, Arhena of Hope, Blazeit, Hanamichii Tensai, Protector-Wizardra, Bones the knight, Extict
Creatures Minotaur, Ghoul, Demon, Dragon
Items Spellbook
Votes 0 votes
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