Protector-Noogy on Chimera, Dragon, Tibia 7.2

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Player Protector-Noogy
World Chimera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.2
Topic Dragon
Length 6 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Protector-Noogy, Protector-Pie, Seifer Tormentor, Zhalifir, Jony Devil, Antonio Silver, Aabecane, Nalanah, Protector-Sukajid, Protector-Keruv, Targeted, Taladras, Honey Bushburn, Skreendead, Gunthermaury, Protector-Kari, Protector-Ginh, Lord wolfskin, Legend Of Sword, Lady seksi, Trogogo, Miles Gordon, Legend of Thanastos, Lady tiddy, Crystalquartz, Protector-Munkey, Ejyas, Cloud-The-Dark-Angel, Protector-Ratesip, Druid-Pie, Protector-Archanist, Protector-Mind, Protector-Stomp, Protector-Wofet, Protector-Lunar, Xavier Poisontouch, Protector-Kissie, Protector-Kazuvix, Protector-Placate, Aargonos, Protector-Novizok, Protector-Restel, Nate Tori, Dysmal
Creatures Spider, Troll, Bear, Snake, Dragon, Orc Spearman
Items Unknown
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