Pocoloco on Antica, Tibianic, Tibia 7.3

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Player Pocoloco
World Antica Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic Tibianic
Length 24 minutes
Areas Tibianic
Characters Pocoloco, Holy Boba, GM Knightmare, Beiconzitos, Cristknight, Eckerhard, Super-Trunks, Merotron, Magentheras, Havey, Patriarch der Magie, Queen of Light I, Grimhilde, Sir-Timmy, Codia, Summy external, Oddi Henceforth, He man, Kenny Antica, Adonis, Mariah Druid, Shadowrai, Nöber of Guards, Eglice, Wixenu, Androgon, Gopox Gox, Lildruida, Rogu, Lejj, Milda Henceforth, Fajt, Lord Springall, Mike spearmam, Deathgrip, Elemental Xero, Thor of Valhall, Duendesito, Khein, Knightmare, Eternal evil, Silkfest, Sybers, Tivuti, Hading, Ti, Graddfil the knight, Haldran, Draltar, Abi de Vito, Jojobotomo, Warrior of the midnight sun, Frisorensoren, Mydriasis, Aldarian Areswind, Sir legolas, Jose Batallas, Lauritz, Tigrius, Theras the druid, Morton Fizzback, Nazzy, Xosina
Creatures Unknown
Items Crown Armor, Crown Shield, Golden Helmet, Golden Armor, Golden Legs, Blessed Shield, Warlord Sword, Winged Helmet, Horned Helmet, Golden Boots, Dragon Scale Mail, Demon Helmet, Dragon Scale Legs, Magician Hat, Steel Boots, Bunnyslippers, Stonecutter Axe, Ball Gown, Great Shield, Castle Shield, Demon Armor, Magic Plate Armor, Demon Legs, Plate Armor, Thunder Hammer, Great Axe, Demon Shield, Mastermind Shield, Magic Sword, Ornamented Shield, Rose Shield, Crown Legs
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