Necrosiss on Amera, War, Tibia 7.2

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Player Necrosiss
World Amera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.2
Topic War
Length 26 minutes
Areas Ab'Dendriel
Characters Rohypnol, Zureha, Xiaoz Maz, Druida-roxo, Krenek, Mecro druid, Tropaxi, Mizufu, Alen York, Bobby Heman, Ganexu, Misshandlen, Welax, Goam, Fuman, Ribimi, Mukip, Sugujusa, Ferouhaste Taran, Pink Kinght, Saxevi The Second, Battary, Balamiki, Cutesun, Necrosiss, Ultimate Swordsman, Edicreiversom, Lady Tanet, Moface II
Creatures Bear, Wasp
Items Jacket
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