Master Gogeta on Eternia, Demon, Tibia 7.3

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Player Master Gogeta
World Eternia Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic Demon
Length 212 minutes
Areas Edron
Characters Master Gogeta, Slayer Stonka, Toosheeck, Buszoz, Lord Fias, Lord Ziemex, Herlandor, Mc Raiden, Nano Nightmare, Piorunek, Evil press Leif, Dzumandzi, Tygryss, Master Stonek, Knight Ziembol, Mistic Raven, Wita, Masterpaul, Krwawy Wilk, Cedziak, Raidey, Agnar, Peterski, Empi, Master Joga, Chchi, Majare, Mao Wizard, Muppet the Master, Sir Macias, Nekromantka, Lord Teleman, Nekromanta, Malikor, Asix, Raidenek, Empirator, Starleen, Sisate
Creatures Ghoul, Minotaur Guard, Fire Elemental, Demon, Demon Skeleton, Monk, Giant Spider, Hero, Wild Warrior, Stalker, Dragon, Hunter, Minotaur Mage, Beholder, Priestess, Skeleton, Rabbit, Wolf, Deer
Items Steel Helmet, Demon Shield, Giant Sword, Golden Sickle, Sickle, Magic Sword
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