Lextorbeam on Isara, Parchment Room Quest, Tibia 7.5

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Player Lextorbeam
World Isara Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.5
Topic Parchment Room Quest
Length 10 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Lextorbeam, Silas Tarie, Padex Khazad, Lord sunder, Dugaw, Angelica ice, Zakkbag, Zuzza, Knight The Snubbe, Imphalax, Fukumoto Soneca, Snyltarn, Future tronic, Death Fogg, Exemot, Firmeza from Hyrule, Sehmos, Zorro Del'Toro, Wixevul, Victor Rossen, Bosohello, Lord Slax, Odarnoc do Hell, Alya Righ, Sir Duch, Calimathar Wainrider, Howrrang, Nyckolas, Exerina, Locofast
Creatures Demon, Fire Elemental
Items Unknown
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