Ko thash on Secura, Dragon Lord, Tibia 7.4

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Player Ko thash
World Secura Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Dragon Lord
Length 34 minutes
Areas Port Hope, Ankrahmun
Characters Ko thash, Spingy bob, Lukae, Zoroxo, Knight of the Skull Tempel, De'Paliden, Zeoro, Lord Permafrost, Aynla, Orlandu the holy warrior, Kurmey, Arevon Ecrowfex, Evets Enols, Stingy Bob, Kvastarna, Treblig Vasokaz, Mighty Moe, Savage Taipan, Imposter Mage, Willey, Sapiw, Chulepa Paladino, Agaxennon, Xerown, Archer of gold, Kenzozuken, Nose-Bleeder, Besieger, Shagua, Tikor, Fixurari, Pato archer, Mage Frosty, Astarael the Sorrowful, Death Reincarnated, Evil Lemming, Kekixef, Lord Donny, Nemou Falax, Bear Axe, Slayer Sam, Glory Soldier, Runic Talons, Druids Destiny, Secura pallidin, Mongons druid, Xiaohuo yuan, Ol Knight, Ahosh, Ojhii, King Pharoah, Lexelo, Ga Jollina, Xenja, Jesse, Hipefih, Biduwag, Jessearron, Mongon, Rizeker, Ojhiia, Pawozam, Pawozami, Kei Kei Kei, Aduras, Rooker master, Memija, Negaum Cheio de Paixao, Tobafe, Solar Sorceres, Spikelema, Princess Rhinoa, Flotsum, Tonnie, Sorcereress Adel, Rezeker, Patrick The Starfish, Warrior of gold
Creatures Dragon, Dragon Lord, Fire Elemental, Deer, Hyaena
Items Knight Armor, Fire Sword, Bright Sword, Giant Sword, Royal Helmet
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