Kiperr on Lunara, Black Knight Solo, Tibia 7.3

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Player Kiperr
World Lunara Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic Black Knight Solo
Length 3 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Kiperr, Don Marko, Dck the knight, Voxader, Slepy, Leuwis, Sumunone, Legolas Berserker, Bamer, Loko Enriquitu, Czarek-Tobias, Nuernberger, Dolker, Zeratul the Dark Templar, Przemo'Dow, Siewca Pogromu, Sir Michael Romeo, Gasior the Brave, Pingwin wojownik, Hanahaprot, Winner Greevil, Ed Vedder, Verabak, Entil, Delea, Maro druid, Dulios, Pug Nightstalker, Szymszymora, Master Picia, Flavia, Acient Dragon, Elendil Shadowfinder, Slayer Alize, Lady Envy, Lokaz
Creatures Black Knight, Beholder, Skeleton, Scorpion
Items Unknown
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