Kapcom on Galana, Necromancer, Tibia 7.4

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Player Kapcom
World Galana Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Necromancer
Length 38 minutes
Areas Darashia
Characters Arcangel of galana, Kapcom, Sir Pandax, Dark Mistic'Blu, Polaris Smith, Magic smith, Revienta orto smith, Severax, Volkom, Dante of Skys, Zejuz, Paladyum skyblack, Sukeck, Dark Shinnok
Creatures Mummy, Snake, Vampire, Scorpion, Stalker, Lion, Priestess, Ghoul, Necromancer, Wasp, Demon Skeleton, Skeleton, Ghost
Items Demon Shield, Fire Sword
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