Kagar on Guardia, Tibia 7.6

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Player Kagar
World Guardia Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.6
Topic Unknown
Length 33 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Juks Sorcer, Sorcerer Bunitinha, Kagar, Slox, Krizyes, Relang, Lith Avel, GM Rebel Guardia, Anjel Wolf, Maga Raverarosa, Sirne Moile, Lady Nobukos, Blabua, Vercigentorix, Havey on Guardia, Royal Masterious, Chupepintiu, Lord-falcon, Vandeleyson da sauna guei, Fast'Tavukiv, Pirson, Clifford, Oksiurus Giovanezzi, Corinthianos Sao Tudo Gueis, Sucurs, Cherryz, Tathir Ascley, Thor Mood, Shade of the Freiders, Kat-ghil, Aksemseddin, Leeck, Podniecony Czarodziej, Elite Longbowman, Arishem, Szalony Edzio, Dehziv, Mina Arkera, Vran the Ralph, Seco Style, Andy'hell, Rinigu Bastion of Guardia, Fonfon'Fhoxy, Tavukiv of the Freiders, Antrogel of Guardia, Sirne
Creatures Gargoyle, Behemoth, Slime, Stone Golem, Beholder, Demon Skeleton, Lich, Bonebeast, Ghost, Stalker, Crypt Shambler, Magicthrower, Banshee, Cyclops, Shredderthrower, Scarab, Larva, Hyaena, Deer, Ancient Scarab, Snake, Skeleton, Necromancer, Cobra, Mummy, Ghoul, Vampire
Items Bright Sword, Dwarven Shield, Fire Sword, Brass Legs, War Hammer, Knight Axe, Spike Sword, Crown Shield, Medusa Shield
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