Jamespond on Eternia, Deeper Fibula, Tibia 7.4

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Player Jamespond
World Eternia Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Deeper Fibula
Length 17 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Jamespond, Interdestructor, Fixano, Aknee, Alanaste, Littlekev, Cult, Rozaria, Xosesu, Guard Of Reiver, Jegolas, Legendary Mastah Archer, Zombiefetzer, Mage Of Reiver, Ravenclad, Eteri, Dart Neo, Tidus Lionheart, Prepsout, Shadown Warrior, Allian, Enemy of night, Lenjor
Creatures Dragon, Dragon Lord, Minotaur, Minotaur Archer
Items Skull Staff, Knight Axe, Tower Shield, Serpent Sword, Knight Armor, Knight Legs, Steel Boots, Dragon Shield
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