Haxnoto on Antica, Behemoth Solo, Tibia 7.3

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Player Haxnoto
World Antica Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic Behemoth Solo
Length 26 minutes
Areas Edron
Characters Malonine, Advindoor Blackhead, Tyrion Highwind, Haxnoto, Weyoun, Spunkey, Kyer, Juvius Fang, Freddzky, Herr pund, Kiwi depp, Kesezondo, Freddzky the Druid, Verdil, Melv'eblin, Max Bron, Cleff Shaman
Creatures Snake, Orc Leader, Dragon, Behemoth, Dragon Lord, Dog, Cyclops, Dwarf Soldier, Fire Elemental, Wolf, Ghoul, Rabbit, Dwarf Guard, Deer, Orc Berserker, Elf Arcanist, Elf Scout, Wild Warrior, Minotaur Archer, Minotaur Mage, Minotaur Guard
Items Unknown
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