Gandalf Bialy on Nova, Player Killing, Tibia 7.3

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Player Gandalf Bialy
World Nova Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic Player Killing
Length 24 minutes
Areas Northport, Ab'Dendriel, Kazordoon
Characters Dyzmo, Pewelura, Dark player tibia, Sztefan, Siwex, Emce Crasher, Momiv, Maiinis, Eduardo of Paladino, Sethil, Kobarok, Dusuz, Arqq, Gifekot, Lizim, Barten, Riwixo, Karenchips, Vendore, Holy Gust, Gandalf Bialy, Hunter of the demon, Piekielny Wojownik, Matthiew, Perykles, Ranyoosan, Nekros
Creatures Spider, Goblin, Dwarf Soldier, Deer, Dwarf Guard, Wolf, Bear, Rat, Fire Elemental
Items Impaler, The Avenger
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