Deprave on Solera, Venore Dragon Lair, Tibia 7.4

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Player Deprave
World Solera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Venore Dragon Lair
Length 45 minutes
Areas Venore, Carlin
Characters Smooth-Criminal, Toxami, Crimson fighter, Blade Luis, Deprave, Radu Hadofitaca, Papy du ceu, Mix illdian Stormage, Akes Krayade, Notorious-Brave, Yarkillau, Torcher The Saint, Ratama, Spitsy Bonebreaker, Guardian of master, Cira Faeny, Igorzaum, Feno Shuri, Magikss, Stigmata Bonebreaker, Izual Thunderaxe, Hotbirdy, Azar Windbane, Nishiki, Dourden, Molevuzo, Longfellow deeds, Drooling Madcow, Premise, Child of Winds, Jerod Hurd, Crayman, Demonic Shadow, Fighter Kirby, Wizard Osiris, Reverend Toddles, Shadow Payne, Teh Fakest, Kathin, Trusdale, Crimson chaos, Jorge Hemke
Creatures Dragon, Snake, Demon Skeleton, Scorpion, Rabbit, Bug, Wolf
Items Plate Legs, Dragon Shield, Bonebreaker
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