Damie on Danubia, Tibia 7.6

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Player Damie
World Danubia Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.6
Topic Unknown
Length 38 minutes
Areas Darashia, Venore, Ankrahmun
Characters Chiqitu, Lord Kryzcho, Talililip, Strath, Gran Dreno, Roc Fella, Damie, Zeus Smileys, Pehe the druida, Jason Stirman, Zumak, Hogwash, Carolus, Nomsan, Eterial Gorgo, Kurn, Firiaxe, Josofa, Celtics Revenge, Pizmut, Elit Ranger
Creatures Hyaena, Wolf, Snake, Deer, Fire Elemental, Scorpion, Gladiator, Rabbit, Dragon, Bug
Items Giant Sword, Serpent Sword
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