Chealino on Iridia, Omruc, Tibia 7.6

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Player Chealino
World Iridia Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.6
Topic Omruc
Length 85 minutes
Areas Ankrahmun
Characters Emillion, Merkhaz, Master Dewon, Chealino
Creatures Ghoul, Scarab, Bonebeast, Gargoyle, Skeleton, Beholder, Poison Spider, Larva, Ancient Scarab, Crypt Shambler, Cobra, Snake, Lion, Deer, Mummy, Hyaena, Stalker, Vampire, Ghost, Scorpion, Slime, Green Djinn, Demon Skeleton, Necromancer
Items Boots Of Haste, Barbarian Axe, Mystic Turban, Knight Axe, Crown Shield, Skull Staff, Dragon Shield, Dark Helmet, Crusader Helmet
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