Brett The Elite Knight on Lunara, Tibia 7.4

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Player Brett The Elite Knight
World Lunara Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.4
Topic Unknown
Length 9 minutes
Areas Unknown
Characters Kirilus, Brett The Elite Knight, Althoraty, Sir Misseria, Death Magic Shot, Blue stealth assasin, Reuben John, Roaddwag, Shina Cech, Evul Eye, Galadiel, Princess Sabrin, Dysfunxion The Sorc, Dysfunxion, Jeremy The Elite Knight, Shiznet, Godess Serenity, Eternally dead, Xerox-Archerz, Goe Erick-Druid, John Cho, Megagrabbens Twin, Hexin, Nozew, Gak, Nodon, Little Tsuki, Ifritt, Sesshomaruu, Kara The Elder Druid, Jone Dray
Creatures Rotworm, Slime, Dwarf Soldier, Poison Spider, Giant Spider, Dwarf Guard, Dwarf Geomancer
Items Crossbow
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