Avenging Druid on Solera, Senja, Tibia 7.2

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Player Avenging Druid
World Solera Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.2
Topic Senja
Length 170 minutes
Areas Carlin, Southern Ice Islands, Senja
Characters Avenging Druid, Supla Cara, Saggy, Durtham, Haken Hellish, Spirit of Maison, Noboruh, Mallrboro, Flashower, Rurov, Encizor, Apollo Druid, Banana Shakal of night, Vomotive, Rafael Ops, Zubi wait, Haken Reaper, Lhumfei'mano da Fay, Diogo Far'Hell, Fraidy Expectar, Mentriel, Bubuva, Rixezis, Ell grande gosador, Benditt, Linasrox, Marvyn, Furyonn, Acrithus Dacorius, Estamos ai pra tudo, Bionic ice, Tagliari, Imaskari, Huntedy, Bokuti, Kardest, Irom Ptwo
Creatures Minotaur Mage, Frost Troll, Polar Bear, Troll, Rotworm, Spider, Snake, Beholder, Minotaur, Slime, Skeleton, Poison Spider, Minotaur Archer, Rat, Minotaur Guard, Rabbit, Bug
Items Fire Axe, Dragon Shield, War Hammer, Spike Sword
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