Aleltic on Aldora, War, Tibia 7.3

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Player Aleltic
World Aldora Before BattlEye
Version Tibia 7.3
Topic War
Length 75 minutes
Areas Venore, Thais, Kazordoon, Ab'Dendriel
Characters Gahuz el Rojo, Joolzor, Priestesses Ragnarok, Lady Eli, Pushi Eldorath, Liw Del'fun, Firenze Moonlight, Knight ica, Leobrisados, Koepaddah, Maiki Di'Canno, Drims, Crash-san, Neotron, Komandos de'Loy, Runa'Forr, Bamosthcxtc, Mordim Eldorath, KochankRarowu, Infernal Di'Canno, Leydi lord, Spown-Dark, Magick Master, Shawn Montegro, Aleltic
Creatures Wolf, Snake, Dwarf Guard, Demon Skeleton, Bear, Cyclops, Rat
Items Fire Axe, Giant Sword, Crown Armor, Scythe, Demon Shield, Dragon Shield, Dwarven Axe, Dragon Lance, Dragon Hammer, War Hammer, Noble Armor, Plate Armor, Dwarven Shield, Serpent Sword, Knight Axe, Devil Helmet, Warrior Helmet, Knight Armor, Crown Shield, Knight Legs, Bright Sword, Fire Sword
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