Abaham, Raid, Tibia 7.5

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Player Abaham
World Unknown
Version Tibia 7.5
Topic Raid
Length 7 minutes
Areas Venore
Characters Princesa Luanna, Yleine Knight, Abaham, Honera fenix, Spider Star Wars, Kaimon Knight, Marizinhahh'Dragon, Marko Akylis, Death Foxy, Rapoza, Medico das Almas, Marcos Blade of Honera, Jaana goth, Magic Andore, Jaimec, Fanny the Fenix, Knight'Nevah, Toxis Byte, Lady Nimus, GM Trymon on Honera, GM Dazetih Honera, GM Borceforth Honera, Sir shin, GM Craban on Honera, Gigante guerreiro de Honera, Arns, Jim Wizard, Soldier Cry Guitar, Netuno Knight, Bryda, Cllaire, GM Tyrell Honera, GM Sidnia on Honera, GM Rebel Honera, GM Manina Honera, GM Judigator on Honera, Falco Elven, Lara Maerkall, Abahan, Xaind, Selphi Druid
Creatures Bug, Rabbit, Snake, Valkyrie, Elf, Elf Arcanist, Elf Scout
Items Skull Staff, Dragon Hammer
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